Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby CicTec » Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:14 am

Hi everybody,

Here some new features that meet the new beta and its state of development:
Gemix & Gemix Legacy
With the new beta will meet 2 versions of Gemix all in one pack, this begins a process of division of the components (core, libraries, etc...) to allow the program to evolve in a more efficient, allowing, however, the compatibility with the DIV original (Legacy).
In the new beta (7.5) will meet the first division of the graphics system and the audio system:
  • Gemix Graphics System: The modern version of the graphics engine will contain various news and change, here the main ones:
    • Support for hardware acceleration engine based on OpenGL and OpenGL ES (beta 7.5), future implementations based in Vulkan, DX9/DX11/DX12 and possibly Mantle.
    • Support for new features hardware-accelerated, which are impossible or inefficient to implement in software.
    • Elimination of software support, except for some basic features essential for platforms which are not supported such operations by accelazione hardware.
    • Delete function names Original DIV2 (PUT, XPUT, FADE_OFF, etc ...), these will be replaced by functions with nomenclature better.
  • Gemix Legacy Graphics System: The current version of the graphics engine supports (and support) the following:
    • Support for compatibility with the DIV/DIV2 original (graphics mode to 8bits, names of the original functions, etc...), to allow the execution and the eventual development of original projects of DIV/DIV2.
    • Support for advanced graphics features through one implementation and optimization software (wherever possible), for compatibility with existing projects developed in Gemix and any new projects that do not require hardware acceleration for some reason.
  • Gemix Audio System : The modern version of the audio engine will contain various updates and changes, the key here:
    • Implementation using the library FMOD Studio, which allows it to be used in commercial projects for indie developers in advantageous form.
    • Clearing the variables and the original structures of DIV2 (SETUP example the structure, function SONG (replaced by SONG_PLAY), etc...), these will be replaced by current data with nomenclature and better functionality.
    • Clearing the support CD, no longer used.

  • Gemix Legacy Audio System: The current version of the audio engine has (and will) the following:
    • Implementation using the library FMOD Ex, which allows you to implement and lead to other platforms, the original plans of DIV/DIV2.
    • Support for all variables, functions etc...) original DIV2
    • Support for enhanced audio functionality through (to the extent possible), for compatibility with existing projects developed in Gemix and any new projects that do not require for some reason the new sound system.
The new beta also allows you to mix systems through a transparent and easy to use for users, this means that the user can use for example the engine software and modern sound system for a commercial game, or use the graphics system with hardware acceleration and the sound system if legacy for example need to develop an application that supports CD.

Current status of the new beta
  • Gemix Graphics System: The modern version of the graphics engine is implemented to 90%, currently missing features than the current engine software or as new implementations, are:
    • Testing and possible correction of support 16bits (32bits support is totally completed).
    • Support for Virtual resolution
    • Support of filters of graphic resolution (scanlines, Scale2x, etc...)
    • Engine Parallax Scroll
    • Engine mode7
    • Implementation of functionality required for porting to Linux and Mac.
    • Implementation of the unique capabilities of OpenGL ES for porting the engine to mobile platforms (Android, iOS, etc...)

    Currently in development is the engine of scroll, all other operations supported by the current motor soft have already been implemented and tested.
  • Gemix Audio System: Currently the new version of the audio engine is not implemented, however, the structure of the two systems are very similar, so the implementation will require little time.
  • Gemix Platforms
    • Android: The version is 80% completed, further details will be provided later.
Soon will follow other news and public testing of the new engine and porting to test the compatibility and operation.
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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby CicTec » Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:05 pm

Hello everyone,

The scroll-system of the new OpenGL engine is completed, here's a screenshot of parallax scrolling with the ground, using graphics tiles 640x480 32bits:

As you can see from the screenshot rendering get 552 FPS , the current software version running at just over 300 FPS , making note that in this case, the new engine is granted almost double the performance, certainly with no graphics and no alpha channel tiled the result will be higher.

Soon new updates.
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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby CicTec » Wed Dec 09, 2015 7:37 pm

Hello everyone.

Pass to indicate the new development...

Graphics Engine
- New Api 95% completed (play taking longer than expected), the new API also will bring three new features for processes, in addition to new functions
- Engine mode7 completed, following some screenshots and benchmark comparison:
Software version normal:

OpenGL version normal:
Differences in performance:
Software: 460 FPS
OpenGL: 728 FPS

Software version with Fog:

OpenGL version with Fog:
Direfencias de rendimiento:
Software: 294 FPS
OpenGL: 665 FPS

Software and OpenGL version without filter (Nearest Rendering):

OpenGL version with filter (Linear Rendering):

As you can see from the screenshots, the rendering is not exactly the same, because this uses OpenGL FLOAT calculations to get the texels (pixels), while the software version uses fixed-point, then the OpenGL version is more accurate with different outcome.

Following various points that are still missing in the development, it was decided to split into 3 steps the total development, to speed publications:

Step 1
- Finish the new API (5%)
- Finish new examples
- Finish the porting Linux and Mac
This will be the revised edition, thus the ability for users to resume projects, start new and will serve as testing to meet possible bugs to fix.

Step 2
- Finish porting Android
- Finish new network library official and extra features
- Possible fix bugs reported by the new version
This will be published the update to the version of step 1

Step 3
- Development 1-2 of basic tools
- Development website and official documentation
- Possible fix bugs reported by the new version
With this step start officially marketing the product, for the versions available, the basic version will of course remain completely FREE for non-commercial use.

Officially licenses will be available from step 1, although not in final form, then, anyone necesiti before step 3 of some license for commercial projects in development, will contact Wed more info on how to obtain it.

For the moment is all.

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