Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

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Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby CicTec » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:41 am

Hello people,

I open this thread for information on any progress of the various versions of Gemix.

The pepito user, belonging to the Colombian developer has given notice of their wish to bring the network library to Gemix.

With the new beta so you will have a unofficial network library for the development of online projects.

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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby CicTec » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:53 am

Added full support for loading and saving images in a standard format, with new functions, Gemix supports the following:

--- LOADING ---
- 1/4/8bits indexed, RAW & RLE, BottomUp & TopDown
- 16/24/32bits RGB/A, RAW & RLE, BottomUp & TopDown

- 24bits RGB
- grayscale
- YCbCr

- 8bits indexed
- 24bits RGB

- 1/2/4/8bits indexed per pixel
- 24/32/48/64bits RGB/A per pixel
- grayscale 8/16bits per pixel
- grayscale + alphachannel 16/32bits per pixel

- 8bits indexed, RAW & RLE, BottomUp & TopDown, LeftRight & RightLeft
- 16/24/32bits RGB, RAW & RLE, BottomUp & TopDown, LeftRight & RightLeft

--- SAVING ---
- 8bits indexed, RAW & RLE, BottomUp
- 16/24/32bits RGB, RAW, BottomUp

- 24bits RGB

- 8bits indexed
- 24bits RGB

- 8bits indexed
- 24/32bits RGB

- 8bits indexed, RAW & RLE
- 16/24/32bits RGB, RAW & RLE

The formats below Gemix video formats are automatically converted to upper.
The formats above Gemix video formats are automatically reduced.
The formats for saving are fewer, should Gemix video formats (in the 8/16bits Gemix, if the image format does not support it, it is saved to 24bits).


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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby CicTec » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:31 pm

Added full support to Gemix for new type FNT, is now supported as follows:
- FNT a 8bits (palettized)
- FNT a 16bits
- FNT a 24bits (32bits without alphachannel)
- FNT a 32bits (32bits with alphachannel, for anti-aliasing and other effects)

Here a screenshot of a 32bits FNT with alpha channel created by the new FNT generator and used by Gemix (you can see the anti-aliasing)

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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby CicTec » Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:42 pm

The pepito user informs us that the 3D engine that they intended to lead to Gemix, is now complete.
This is a software engine much like the original mode8 of DIV, but with more features.
The porting to Gemix (to check any changes and improvements) will include:
- Support of 8, 16 and 32bits
- Fogging effects and blendings
- Loads of 3D models (MDL and possibly others)

This engine is ideal for low-medium resolution games for devices such as iOS/Android, and handhelds.

Here are some screesnhots of the motor in action:

The engine will be released as an unofficial module shortly after the release of the new beta.

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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby Nightwolf » Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:50 pm

Amazing, great work
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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby erkosone » Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:44 pm

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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby CicTec » Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:33 pm


Here I put the last major advances:
- Fixed various bugs important
- Finalized version of Mac OS X now contains everything needed to build applications that apply to the Mac App Store
- The Gemix core already works in the iOS simulator
- Most Gemix modules are compiled for iOS

Current status of beta:
[b] Windows - 100% [/ b]

[b] Linux - 100% [/ b]

[b] Mac - 100% [/ b]

[b] IOS - 97% [/ b]
- Lack of finalizing the compilation of all the modules and test the system loading
- Missing input system

[b] General - 99.5% [/ b]
- There are some details in the system nuevo FNT

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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby NostalgicAlgorithms » Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:54 am

Wish I could see those screenshots... (I came here following a forum post)
Is it true that Gemix can take older source code from the earlier versions of DIV studio (1+2) and convert them into a windows playable format? I have used Dosbox without any issues for DIV1 projects. Keep up the great work!
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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby CicTec » Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:59 am

NostalgicAlgorithms wrote:Wish I could see those screenshots... (I came here following a forum post)
Is it true that Gemix can take older source code from the earlier versions of DIV studio (1+2) and convert them into a windows playable format? I have used Dosbox without any issues for DIV1 projects. Keep up the great work!

Hi NostalgicAlgorithms, welcome.

Yes, Gemix is 100% compatible with DIV1/DIV2, with some exceptions (for example, possible conflicts between names used in the old programs that correspond to new native features) and other small things.

If you are still in possession of old projects DIV/DIV2 developed by you, you should be able to complete them in Gemix without modifications, and run them natively on Windows, Linux, and Mac at the time.

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Re: Updates on the development of new versions of Gemix

Postby Nightwolf » Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:01 pm

I wonder when Yeti3d is ready... man great things can be done with it!!!
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